Head Hacks

All the Head Hacks you’ll need to help you to make the most perfect Polly Dolly with regards to string placement for her head shape. I’ll also show you an alternative dome button application for her eyes and how to apply realistic freckles.

Also included is how to create the perfect little nose along with mouth placement.

Body Hacks

All the Body Hacks you’ll need to help you to make the most perfect Polly Dolly with regards to correct measurements of her body, legs and arms.

Let’s Knit

Here’s the perfect video tutorial for those wishing to learn how to knit. This video will show you the basic knitting steps that you’ll need in order to create a lovely little cardigan for your Polly Dolly.

I’ll be demonstrating a variety of knitting stitches along with how to work the iCord on the selvedge, how to add the sleeves into the cardigan and finally how to block your finished items for a very professional look.

Pastel Mohair

WOW… we have a fabulous new range of Pastel Looped Mohair for your Polly the Pixie and Polly Dolly.

Please note that our Pastel range is now discontinued, however we have a fabulous Funky Mohair colour range to replace them.