Tilly Tippy Toes REMAKE Sewing Kit with Weft


Tilly Tippy Toes REMAKE Sewing Kit with Weft

Fabrics, yarns and notions for making the complete dolly

Fabrics and notions for making the complete outfit

SKU: N/A Category:


If you purchased one of our instant download instruction manuals, or the hard copy book to make Tilly, or are now embarking on your next dolly and would like to purchase all the fabrics and notions again (without the book) then this REMAKE kit for you.

In this pack there will be enough kit to make one Tilly Tippy Toes with a Weft

For the dolly you’ll receive…

  • 100% Cotton Doll Skin Fabric
  • Strong Thread and Sewing Thread
  • Doll Needle and Dowell
  • Toy Grade Stuffing
  • Straight or Curly Weft

For her clothes you’ll receive…

  • Printed Premium Poplin Cotton Fabric for the Dress
  • Snap Fasteners
  • Satin Fabric, Elastic and Bow for her Frenchies


NOT INCLUDED in the kit is the acrylic paint, brushes, fine-liner pens and colouring pencils to paint her face with. We do however have pre-painted faces available in all the skin colours and in 3 eye colours. Please click this HERE to see the pre-painted faces. The Glitter for Tilly’s feet can be purchased HERE.

You will need to have the following items to hand….. a sewing machine, needles and pins, small sharp scissors, a tape measure, an iron, a turning tool (either a chopstick or hemostats), an optional glue gun for attaching the weft (this can also be sewn on if preferred).

So what are you waiting for …
grab your kit today and get crafting the most wonderful little dolly that will fill you with so much pride and immense joy!


Additional information

Weight 995 g
Skin Colour

Vanilla, Barley, Almond, Caramel, Cinnamon, Cocoa

Weft Colour

Champagne Straight, Champagne Curly, Golden Straight, Golden Curly, Caramel Straight, Caramel Curly, Cinnamon Straight, Cinnamon Curly, Ginger Straight, Ginger Curly, Amber Straight, Amber Curly, Chestnut Straight, Chestnut Curly

Dress Colour

Pink Ditsy Daisy, Blue Ditsy Daisy, Green Ditsy Daisy